Lost Property

Lost Property

Have you lost something at BIRD, or have you found something?
Then please send an email to: events@bird-rotterdam.nl.
Items found (or left behind) at BIRD are kept by us for up to one month. We donate the found items, (where applicable), if they are not collected within this period to the Salvation Army.
Leaving coats, bags, or other belongings in the cloakroom is at your own risk. During a club night, a coat or bag can be left for a fee. If you lose your cloakroom ticket, you can still collect your coat or bag at the end of the evening (after closing). Our cloakroom is only supervised during club nights, afterwards the cloakroom is unsupervised. It is therefore important to contact BIRD immediately after the club night via email: events@bird-rotterdam.nl
And collect your belongings the next day to ensure they are safe and you can retrieve them.